The risk-based approach to environmental health management is still not-well known in.
Our main food safety issues relate to microbial contamination and toxins, pesticide use, antibiotic resistance, and growth promoters. The risk-based approach to food safety management is still not-well known and is rarely applied in the developing world.
We aim to understand how human health is determined by the inter-linkages between human, animal and environmental health in a socio-ecological context, using the Ecohealth or One Health approach.
The Field Building Leadership Initiatives (FBLI): Advancing Ecohealth in South East Asia is the 5 - year (2011-2016) project funded by the International Development Research Center (IDRC), Canada and implemented by eight different partner institutions within the SEA region namely the Health Systems Research Institute, Nonthaburi, Thailand ( ), the Kunming Institute of Botany, Yunnan, China ( ), the Kunming Medical University , Yunnan, China ( ), the Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand ( ), the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia ( ), the Veterinarians Without Borders, Victoria, Canada ( ), and the Hanoi School of Public Health, Vietnam.
VOHUN, the Vietnam One Health University Network, was established in November 22nd 2011 with the support of USAID and the RESPOND project, bringing 17 faculties from 10 medical, public health, veterinary and nursing universities in Vietnam together to promote and develop a backbone for the One Health (OH) concept in Vietnam. Three core universities and faculties (Hanoi School of Public Health – HSPH, Hanoi Medical University – HMU, Hanoi University of Agriculture – HUA) were chosen initially as they were seen to be leaders in their respective fields, and covered a range of disciplines deemed to be important for the One Health approach. Following the establishment of the Network, each group of core universities worked with USAID and RESPOND in their respective countries to develop National OH networks, involving a larger group of related faculties, to promote and disseminate the outcomes and benefits of the network more widely.
The purpose of this PAMS project is to put the results of the NCCR N-S research on health risk assessment into practice by involving local and national partners through the development of a training module and testing the module. The PAMS aims at developing a training package on health risk assessment related to water supply, sanitation and food safety in the context of South East Asia focusing on Vietnam.
The programme will be focused upon the following research areas: i) Human and economic costs of pork-borne diseases in smallholder pig value chains in Vietnam, and opportunities for risk-management, ii) The utility of risk-based approaches to food-safety and pork-borne diseases as opposed to the current hazard-based approach, and iii) The role of incentive-based innovations in mitigating human and animal health risks in smallholder pig value chains