
  • Key partners of the Field Building Leadership Initiative (FBLI), including more than 30 researchers and policy makers from 4 FBLI participating countries (Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and China) assembled at the Grand Park Hotel in Kunming, China. The events were hosted by Kunming Medical University in collaboration with the FBLI-Coordinating Unit with the aim to share and synthesize main findings of country research projects; address the implications of main findings on policy in the region; and share country main lessons of FBLI research projects.

  • Together with the economic development, urbanization, population growth and war legacies, Vietnam has been facing with various severe impacts on the environment, ecosystem and human health. Ecosystem approaches to health, or Ecohealth, is an emerging field of transdisciplinary research that brings together public health, environmental health people, veterinarians, ecologists, social scientists, policy makers, local authorities and experts from other fields and community members to explore how ecosystem changes can have adverse impacts on human health and implement practical solutions to address these health challenges. Six principles of this approach include transdisciplinarity, participation, gender and social equity, system-thinking, sustainability and research-to-action (Charron 2012).

  • International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) seeks to recruit an Administrative Assistant who will be based in Hanoi, Vietnam. This position exists to meet the needs of an expanding portfolio of research activities and partnerships in Vietnam. The incumbent will work directly under the supervision of the Office Manager and will provide administrative support to ILRI activities in the East and Southeast Asia regions.

  • To look back and review the up-to-date achievements, identifying challenges and set out project’s plan until end of 2017, the research team comprised of researchers from Hanoi School of Public Health (HSPH) and the Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) held the mid-term review workshop for the project “Reducing disease risks and improving food safety in small holder value chains in Vietnam” (PigRisk) from 8 to 11 March 2016. The review was also attended by ACIAR representatives and ILRI reseachers.

  • Connecting ideas from different networks working in integrated approaches, updating the latest research progress as well as setting out plans for the final year of the FBLI program were the main objectives of the FBLI Networking Event and 3rd Regional Core Group (RCG) Meeting which took place in Bangkok, Thailand from 15 to 19 February 2016.

  • Benoit Randuineau and Parfait Kouame, two exchange students at the CENPHER, have successfully defense Ph.D thesis on 27 and 28 November 2015 respectively. Both them are among the list of more than 15 foregin student exchanged in the collaboration of CENPHER/HSPH and its partners from around the world. They have been an added value not only in fostering the collaboration between CENPHER/HSPH and donors and parters but also in diversifying the research and capacity building at the Center.


  • The 4th Food Safety and Zoonoses Symposium for Asia Pacific, which also included the 2nd Regional Ecohealth Symposium, was held from 3rd to 5th, August 2015 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This symposium brought together researchers from 11 Asian nations, Germany, Portugal and the United States, giving them an opportunity to present research results, get professional updates and networking as well as collaboration.

  • On August 2nd 2015, the training workshop “Bridging the Research –Policy divide” was held by the South Asia Field Epidemiology and Technology Network, Inc. (SAFETYNET), which aims to enhance the expertise of current or future research leaders in bridging the research-policy divide with a better understanding and application of integrative methods and thus allowing them to better support policy makers in the country in adopting evidence-based approaches to policy making.

  • Join us and participate in our regional partnership capacity building workshops on urban environmental sanitation. They will take place in Asia, West Africa, the Middle East and Latin America in 2015 and 2016, and are organized in collaboration with the regional Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation offices.

  • We are looking for applicants qualified to at least MSc level in veterinary epidemiology or a related field to lead the detailed planning and implementation of a four-year livestock based climate-sensitive disease surveillance and dissemination project, as well as to support VWB’s long-term livelihoods and food security programs in the Southeast Asia region. These projects are funded by the CGIAR Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) program, as well as other government and private grants.
